Here are a selection of blogposts written for diverse organisations, as part of my research projects in collaboration with them throughout the years
Recent Blogposts
IAWF magazine: ‘Fire stories: a case for community-based communication’
Undisciplined Environments: “Kindling hope: wildfire social science and forming part of meaningful change” with Alexandre Molina Sourdat and Kathleen Uyttewaal
The Conversation: "Un nuevo relato sobre los incendios pone el foco en las comunidades rurales y su realidad” with Enric Castelló
La Marina Plaza: "Més enllà de culpabilitzar: repensant la responsabilitat col·lectiva davant els incendis forestals"
Revista Incendios y Riesgos Naturales: "Sociedad e incendios forestales; dos caras de una misma moneda" (p56-58) with David Salesa
Pego Viu
Pego Viu Blogpost "Incendi del Vall d’Ebo Agost 2022"
Pego Viu Blogpost "Comunicar durant un gran incendi forestal: una experiència de primera mà"
NFPA & EFI Blogposts
EFI Resilience Blog: Looking beyond the flames: When does an extreme wildfire start?
WKR blog: Between Theory and Reality Check: PyroLife trainings in Cyprus
EFI Resilience Blog: Communicating during an extreme wildfire: a first-hand experience
NFPA blogpost: PyroLife: training the next generation of wildfire scientists
NFPA blogpost: Lessons learned on wildfire communication and community initiatives
Euromontana & Recartografías
Recartorgrafías: More sustainable food from the rural world
Recartorgrafías: Volver a sentirse orgulloso del mundo rural - Día del Orgullo Rural
Euromontana: The future of pastoralism: a key tool for forest fire prevention
Euromontana: ¿La trashumancia como Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la UNESCO?