Conferences & talks
Conference presentations
Fire in the Earth System: Humans and Nature (4-8 July 2023, in Granada, Spain)
“Going beyond communicating about risk: Learning from community-led wildfire initiatives” (Oral presentation)
Session Convener: “Rural Challenges, Social Communication and Fire Risk”.
8th International Wildland Fire Conference (16-19 May 2023, in Porto, Portugal)
'What can we learn from community-based wildfire initiatives? A case for more situated approaches towards Living with Wildfire' (Oral presentation, see PowerPoint here)
Keynote Speaker with Cathelijne Stoof (WUR) at the Communication Session. Below is the video recording
PyroLife conference (14-16 March 2023, in Barcelona, Spain)
'Going beyond communicating about Wildfire Risk. A case for Community-based communication'
NFPA Conference & Expo (6-9 June, 2022, in Boston, USA)
‘Lessons from the US & Europe on Wildfire Communication with Communities at Risk’
IAWF FIRE & Climate (23-27 May, 2022, in Pasadena, USA)
‘Fire stories: A case for community-based communication’ with Bethany Hannah (American Wildfire Experience)
Workshop: "Teixint xarxes a través del foc: experiències des de la recerca, la pràctica i l'educació" (1-3 June 2024, Catalonia, Spain)
Talks and symposia
“I ara qué? Unes pinzellades per una Nova Cultura del Foc” during the Findes Masoveros – jornada sobre incendios forestales, un año tras Villanueva de Viver (10-11 May 2024, Mas Blanco, Spain)
"La importància d'iniciatives locals entorn dels incendis forestals - El exemple de Pego Viu" during the III Jornada de Voluntariat Ambiental (9 June, 2023, Pego, Spain)
"Reflexiones a base de comunicar durante un Gran Incendio Forestal: Vall d’Ebo 2022" at the workshop Comunicación y sensibilización sobre el fuego y el riesgo de incendios forestales” (27 Feb 2023, Solsona, Spain)
"Reflections from community-based wildfire communication” at the Workshop Communicating the important role of Sustainable Forest Management to prevent wildfires (7-9 Feb 2023, Barcelona, Spain)
"Lessons learnt on Wildfire Communication with Communities at Risk" at the Bonn EFI Scientific Seminar (16 November 2022, Bonn, Germany)
"Comunicación e iniciativas comunitarias en incendios forestales" at the Recartografías Jornada sobre Incendios forestales (25 June 2022, Mas Blanco, Spain)
"Com s’està preparant el territori pel següent incendi forestal?" at the Pego Viu community workshop (13 Feb 2022, Pego, Spain)
"Quan comença un Incendi forestal? Consideracions més enllà del fum" during the 1er Jornada de Voluntariat Ambiental (18 June, 2021, Pego, Spain)
Talks on Social Media
Video - "Iniciatives locals en resposta als incendis forestals. El cas de Pego Viu" at the III Jornada de Voluntariat Mediambiental, 2023
Video - "Qué son les cremes prescrites? Una explicació breu d'una crema a Castell de Castells" - A brief explanation on prescribed fires
Video - "Quan comença un Incendi forestal? Consideracions més enllà del fum" during the 1er Jornada de Voluntariat Ambiental (18 June, 2021, Pego, Spain)